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Educ 523: Challenges in Urban Education: Diversity
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EDL EDUC 523 Diversity Course Syllabus Units: 3 The mission of the USC Rossier School of Education is to prepare leaders to achieve educational equity through practice, research and policy. We work to improve learning opportunities and outcomes in urban settings and to address disparities that affect historically marginalized groups. We teach our students to value and respect the cultural context of the communities in which they work and to interrogate the systems of power that shape policies and practices. Through innovative thinking and research, we strive to solve the most intractable educational problems. The Educational Leadership (EDL) program prepares leaders in K-12 schools, universities, community colleges or other educational organizations. The program trains critically conscious leader who seek to address problems of practice and take action to address inequities in education. This course is one of the four core courses of the EdD doctoral program in the Rossier School of Education. It represents one of the cornerstones of fundamental areas of knowledge (leadership, accountability, diversity, and learning) critical to well-prepared leaders in urban education settings. These areas were developed through a comprehensive review of the most current theory and research, as well as through an inclusive and wide-ranging process of refinement at the level of program and curriculum development involving stakeholders from a variety of perspectives.
Week 1:
Week 2:
UNIT 2.: SEGREGATION, DESEGREGATION: A primer on the history and intention of race in schooling .
Week 3:
UNIT 3.: ACHIEVEMENT GAP: Academic performance discrepancies found in American public education.
Week 4:
UNIT 4.: POWER : Constructs of oppression, targets and nontargets, racism vs. prejudice, and privilege..
Week 5:
UNIT 5.: IDENTITY : Basic theories about identity construction.
Week 6:
UNIT 6: RACE AND ETHNICITY (parts 1 and 2): “Race” is a dominant variable in our understanding of diversity.
Week 7 & 8:
UNIT 7 & 8 Contd: RACE AND ETHNICITY (parts 1 and 2): “Race” is a dominant variable in our understanding of diversity.
Week 9:
UNIT 9: ABILITY : The notion of ability and the various ways educational institutions respond to their personnel with differing levels of ability.
Week 10:
UNIT 8: WEEK 10. LANGUAGE: Achievement gap between English-language learners (ELLs) and non-ELLs,
WEEK 11 & 12:
UNIT 9: WEEK 11 & 12 GENDER AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION (Parts 1 and 2): The intersection of three constructs: sex, gender identity.
Week 13:
UNIT 10: WEEK 13 SPIRITUALITY AND RELIGIOUS IDENTITY Parts 1 and 2: Religion is inextricably entangled in the individual and social constructions.
Week 14:
UNIT 11: WEEK 14 IMMIGRATION: Iimmigration history.
Week 15:
UNIT 12. WEEK 15 GLOBALIZATION: The process that is driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.