EDUC 536 Week 16: Final Presentations
Hi everyone,
Some announcements regarding the Final Paper/Project (some are a repeat from class yesterday):
- I have posted a rubric for your final paper and final presentation on Blackboard under "Course Info & Logistics."
If you would like to submit a draft of your final paper to me by
Tuesday, December 3, I am happy to provide feedback so that you have
time to make adjustments prior to the final submission. You'll also get
some feedback from your final presentations on 12/10.
As many of you have already noticed, cleaning/prepping your data (so
that you can do analyses with it) can take some time (not to mention
time actually running and interpreting the analyses themselves). I
highly suggest that you do not push this off until the last minute. If
you're still collecting data, wrap up soon so that you can get to this
We have two classes left. On 12/3, we will have another in-class work
session. Bring any questions you might have regarding your data and
your analyses to class - Tong and I will be available to help. On
12/10, you'll have your final presentation. Since we have more groups
than I originally anticipated, plan on a 12-minute presentation with
about 5 minutes for questions. I have posted a slide template in the
"Course Info & Logistics" folder with some suggestions on what to
include and number of slides. If you feel that your presentation needs a
different flow or you need to reallocate the number of slides for
certain sections, feel free to make adjustments.
EDUC 536–Fall 2019: Final Research Presentation Rubric Content(x2)-Presentation provides a good overview and authors demonstrate a correct understanding of the various elements of the research process –Introduction/Motivation, Review of Literature/Theoretical Framework, Purpose/Research Questions, Methods (including Instrumentation, Sampling,and Data Analysis Procedures), Results, and Discussion/Conclusion (including implications, limitations, and next steps).Organization-Presentation is well-organized and presented logically with a good flow from one slide/topic to the next. -Presenters use the time allotted effectively.Delivery-Presenters speak clearly and maintain focus on the paper/project. -Presenters are not completely reliant on the slides and/or reading directly from the slides.-Speaking duties are shared equally by all team members.Use of Media-Slides are readable and interpretable without grammatical errors. -Slides are not too text heavy. -Visuals are well-integrated into the presentation with appropriate titles/labels. Response to Questions-Presenters demonstrate full knowledge of the project and can clearly explain, elaborate, and respond to questions.Presenter(s): ______________________________________________Content12345Organization12345Delivery12345Use of Media12345Response to Questions12345Comments:
Prezi EDUC_536
Final Presentation Template ppt.
Final Presentation Rubric
Grammar Metacognition Survey
Final Paper due Tuesday, December 17